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DIY Behind Seat Dual Battery System Kits [Video]
Hey guys, Briohny here from Accelerate. You have found this video because you are looking at our custom DIY behind seat dual battery system kit on our product page. So I want to just run you through all the different options that you’ve got when you purchase this and tell you a little bit of information about it.
So firstly, it was designed because Andrew had a Ford Ranger and he wanted a dual battery solution that wasn’t taking up space in the tub of his Ute. So he decided that there was some space behind the seat there, and he’s created this kit so it will fit behind the rear seat in your car and leave your tub with lots of space in there as well.
Now saying that we have had lots of customers that have purchased this kit and mounted it in various places in all sorts of different cars, so it isn’t just for you behind seats in your Ford Rangers or BT 50s anymore. You can really use your imagination.
DIY Behind Seat Dual Battery System Kits
So we’ll start off here with what comes standard or pretty much with all the kits. So you’re going to get this custom alloy bracket. And as I said, we have designed this to fit your battery inside, to mount your BCDC here, and then we’ve also got your fuse box and everything in here as well. So this is something that’s totally designed by us in-house and manufactured. So your first option is what battery you want. So first of all, you can select no battery. So that’s great if you’ve already got your own battery that you want to utilise, and we do have the dimensions of the space here below if you need to check if you’ll need if your one suits
Battery Options
Then we go into a lithium battery. So you’ve got two options here. You’ve got the Invicta, which has this one here and also an Enerdrive. Now they’re both 100Ah slimline batteries. Both of them have a Bluetooth capability. So that means if you download the Invicta or the Enerdrive app, you can check the status of your battery on your phone. It will give you a percentage status, tell you what you’re discharging, tell you what’s inputing. And it’s a really great feature of both of those batteries. The Invicta is a premium battery. It comes with a seven year warranty, Enerdrive is a five-year warranty.
BCDC Charger
Okay, the next thing you’re going to get to choose is your BCDC. So across the board, we use the Redarc range here, as I said, they mount onto the alloy bracket and it’s designed to fit that in place there. So you can choose the 1225, or the 1240. Basically the 1225 is going to be putting in 25A of charge into your battery. And the 40 one is going to charge it faster and put in 40A. So a 100Ah battery, 40A charger. It’s going to take you about two and a half hours to charge that up. Whereas this one will take about four hours.
Wiring Kits
So your wiring kits that come with it, this is a DIY kit. So you do get a full set of instructions. It is really easy to follow, pictures, diagrams, all sorts of things that will allow you to install this yourself. So it comes in three parts here. So the first one is basically going to be to your start battery.
You’ve got these two here that will connect to your start battery. And then you will run this cord all the way in this instance to the rear of the cab, behind the seats, which is where you’re going to Mount your bracket and BCDC. So this will then plug in onto the silver bracket there. The next bit you’ve got here, which is if you’d go in the socket box option. So this one will go from the fusebox and the other end will go into the rear of your tub of your Ute and your socket box will plug into this one here. And then basically you’ve got a Ford little wiring kit here. So this goes from your BCM and that runs into the BCDC. So you’ve got three separate things that you will need to wire in.
Socket Options
Dual Sockets
So the final option is your sockets, or basically how you’re going to plug everything in and utilise your dual battery to run all your devices and charge all your items. So the first one we’ve got is a dual socket. So it’s basically this little thing here that we can put in any combination of sockets for you.
So, option number one is two cigarette sockets or 12 volt power socket, as we call them these days. Option number two is a cigarette socket and a dual USB. So it’s got two USB ports in there. And then the option number three is another cigarette socket and a voltmeter. So we can customise that if there’s something that doesn’t suit your needs and you want something different, please just drop it in the seller information section at checkout.
Socket Boxes
And then you can go to the socket, what we call our socket box ones. So these basically same again, they just mount in the rear of your tub. Now, if you choose one of these, you do have to let us know if you’re mounting it on the driver’s side or the passenger side of your car, simply because it depends where we mount this here or have the cables coming out of. So I’m going to run you through these.
So first up we’ve got option number one. So this has got an Anderson plug for output, true cigarette sockets, a voltmeter, and a dual USB option number two and Anderson plug. Once again, this is for output a cigarette socket, an Engel socket, a voltmeter, and a dual USB. Option number three, we’ve got the Anderson plug for output, a cigarette socket, a merit socket, a voltmeter, and a dual USB. Option number four, we’ve got the two Anderson plugs here for output two cigarettes sockets, one voltmeter and one dual USB, and then option number five. We’ve got the grey Anderson plug for output.
We’ve got the red Anderson plug, which was for solar input. So if you’ve got a solar blanket or something that you want to plug into there, I should also mention the silver bracket that’s behind your seat does also have a red Anderson plug input on there as well. We’ve got two cigarette sockets and one voltmeter and one dual USB. So they’re your different options. You can select them and there are pictures up above if you’re not too sure and want to have a look through and make sure you specify whether you’re mounting it on the passenger side or driver’s side.
Thanks for watching. And as always, if you do have any questions or need some help customising your setup, we are always happy to answer your questions. You can contact us at info@amae.net.au or give one of our technicians a call on (07) 5479 6652

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